Angel: Counsel Series Read online

Page 24

  I turn away, only to find myself caught in Adam Thorne’s laser-like gaze. My face burns like an inferno at the knowledge that this man, who is about to question me about my relationship with Justin, has just witnessed my humiliation and pain.

  “Are you all right?” Mandi asks, and all I can do is nod dumbly. “Fucking pricks,” Samuel curses as he glares at Justin. He wraps his arm around me and leads me away.

  “Let’s sit here,” he suggests, pointing to a bench outside the nominated courtroom. He and Mandi flank me like sentinels. She holds my hand, while Samuel scowls at anyone who even dares glance our way. At the moment, it happens to be Adam Thorne, who’s expression, for once, holds neither animosity nor censure.

  I don’t have time to ponder his changed demeanor. My stomach plummets at the sight of Justin’s group’s approach. His eyes widen when he sees me, and he drops Cynthia’s hand. She looks at him, surprise and irritation on her face, and then, when she notices me, her mouth purses. “Whore,” she clearly mouths.

  I feel like I’ve been slapped—hard—and lower my head at the unwelcome onset of tears. Mandi tightens her hold on my now visibly trembling hand, and Samuel’s anger manifests itself like a blanket of smoke billowing outward. He’s about to launch himself at Justin, but I shake my head, silently begging him not to. He huffs out a frustrated breath and places his arm protectively around me as he continues to glare. Justin steps forward, but Tom blocks his path. “You can’t talk to her!” he says.

  Blood pounds in my ears. I don’t think it’s possible to feel more embarrassed than I am right now. In my periphery, I see Jodi reach up to talk to Adam Thorne. He nods once and says something in response. Then, with one last, indefinable glance at me, he takes the blonde woman’s elbow and leads her away. Jodi steps toward me, and Samuel’s ready to intervene, but I place a hand on his arm.

  “Ms. Bain…Mr. Thorne has given me permission to offer you another chance to cooperate.” She smiles hopefully, and I see the pleading in her eyes. For one, fleeting moment, I feel like grasping the opportunity to make this easier on myself, but I dismiss the errant thought. ‘If you don’t have your word, you have nothing,’ I remind myself.

  “Ms. Maddox…. I… thank you. It’s very considerate, but I’ve made up my mind,” I stammer, feeling overwhelmed by her kindness and obvious concern.

  “Angelique, what’s going on?” Samuel demands, and Jodi, sensing a potential ally, turns to him.

  “I’m Jodi Maddox, Assistant District Attorney, and the prosecution’s second-chair. Ms. Bain’s refusal to cooperate has forced us to declare her hostile. She could make this ordeal so much easier on herself if she’d change her mind. Mr. Thorne’s willing, even at this late stage, to inform the court of a change in circumstances.”

  “How exactly will it be easier?” Mandi asks just as Samuel jumps up and makes his way over to Tom, who’s edged closer.

  “This is none of your business; why don’t you get out of here?” he threatens, and with one last, lingering look my way, which I refuse to hold, Justin says something that makes Tom retreat with a scowl.

  “Go ahead,” Samuel says to Jodi.

  “Well, either attorney can request that the judge declares a witness hostile. If granted, it provides the right to treat that witness as if he or she were under cross-examination. In this case, Mr. Thorne will be allowed to challenge Ms. Bain’s testimony, ask her leading questions—in short, force answers from her.”

  “Angelique, you need to forget this misguided sense of loyalty—think of yourself. I’ve seen Thorne in action, and I don’t want him treating you like that,” Samuel appeals.

  “He’s right,” Mandi tries to reason.

  I choke back the lump in my throat. “I…I can’t. I’m sorry… I can’t go back on my word.”


  “Samuel, please, I don’t want to argue with you about this—not now.”

  “God, you are the most infuriating woman! I understand loyalty; believe me. I’ve seen it cost men their lives and never questioned it, but you’re wasting yours on Wade. Have you forgotten how he and his friends behaved just now?” He scowls at me, then gets up to pace, and I know he’s trying to control his temper.

  “Angel, please think about it,” Mandi beseeches.

  “I’m not doing this because I promised Tom, or even for Justin anymore. I’m doing it for me… I have to hold onto something of the person my parents raised—”

  “Ms. Bain, we don’t have much time,” Jodi cuts me off. “I need to get back; Mr. Thorne’s waiting for your decision.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Maddox, and I thank you for being so kind, but I haven’t changed my mind.”

  She smiles tightly. “I regret your decision. Good luck.” She walks away and turns to glance over her shoulder, just once, before disappearing into the courtroom.

  “Samuel?” I hold out a hand in appeal. He sighs loudly.

  “Okay. I’ve said all I’m going to, and I’d rather you spent what little time you have to prepare yourself. Remember, we love you; nothing is going to change that.” He pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.

  I’ve never felt so vulnerable or alone as I do when making my way to the witness stand. I stare straight ahead, doing my best to ignore the many eyes I can feel boring into me—praying all the way that I don’t succumb to the urge to throw up.

  I tremble when asked to swear on the bible, and my voice breaks when I state my name and occupation. “My name is Angelique Bain, and I’m a dance teacher,” I say, and then, when told, I take the seat in the witness box. Justin’s sitting at the front, I know, and is probably watching me. But it’s not his eyes I feel. I’m more aware of another’s gaze, the man rising from prosecution table, the one about to question me.

  Destiny, the sequel to Angel, will be available soon. To receive

  information on its release, please subscribe by visiting my website,

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  My husband, whom I love dearly. I could not do this without your love and support. Thank you—for everything.

  Those who buy and read my books and, especially, those readers who take the time to review, email, or contact me by other means. I remain humbled and delighted by your interest in my writing. Thank you.

  My friends who support and encourage me unreservedly. Denise, Judy, Melissa, and Penny, especially, for breaching the miles with your warmth and friendship and for endlessly championing me. Thank you.

  About The Author

  Shenda’s dreamt of writing books since childhood.

  Her parents, booklovers, instilled a passion for reading at an early age, and a wonderfully, eccentric English teacher nurtured that love, encouraged her to read widely and to write. The works of Austen, Du Maurier, the Brontës, and Hardy fed her romantic soul, and books such as To Kill A Mockingbird, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, and Beloved sharpened her sense of justice and fed her interest in the complexity of the human spirit.

  Shenda writes about romance, love, passion, drama, and suspense. She explores how adversity or good fortune shapes the lives of her characters, their views, their choices, their interactions with others—the people they are and, ultimately, the people they choose to become.

  She wrote the Counsel series from her ‘office’, the family room overlooking her garden in Sydney, Australia. She can be found there every day, plotting her next literary adventures.

  Shenda cares deeply about human rights, the welfare of women, children, and animals. Links to the charities she supports can be found on her website.

  For more information on Shenda and her books visit:

  Or, follow her on Facebook

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

bsp; Dedication

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  End of Book One: Preview – Destiny


  About The Author